Joel 3:10
…let the weak say, I am strong.
What do you call yourself ? People may call you ‘sick, weak, But what do you call yourself? God says, you are healed.
Instead of ‘weak’, you’re strong,
In Christ you’re redeemed. Why would you accept to believe in what people say that you’re more than believing in who you know that you’re. Nobody can forget to know who she or he might be. You might guess or believe in who you want to become in future. But right now you know everything about yourself. You know what you think. You know how you react when something’s you don’t like happen in your life. And many times you know yourself how you feel after reacting and that’s why you even know the decisions it will take you either to repent or not. You know much how you feel when people mistreat you. You know things which make you feel great about yourself. The question is; do I then need someone to help me know for me what is in me, or that might be when some one does what makes happy, definitely I will feel more excited which will open someone’s eyes that when she does that I feel great and it can be shown on my eyes. When you’re going through terrible Situations, you know better than anyone around you, therefore never worry about what people that you are if you know exactly what you are and who you’re and that will be the result to show who you were yourself. Sometimes, those who say that you’re this or that, they try to fix things which can show mighty confirm what they wanted you to be, but whatever in case may be, always focus on what God says you’re. You’re something which no man can give you that’s why you always have to encourage your self to move on by faith with what you were given. Continue do what you’re supposed to do and the more you do it, it will give you more potential to reach your really YOU. Your really you is when you don’t give up on yourself. You’re really you is when you love the things God gave you and continue doing that without loosing any step. Before you know it, God will make it become YOU , and your joy will be fulfilled because you have discovered yourself by not giving up on yourself because of what people say that you’re
I pray for you today, no matter what you face, God’s grace will push you through.
His grace will make the difference in your life
in the Mighty Name of Jesus